Post Tagged with: "Kid’s Ministry"


Creative Solutions for VBS 2020

Creative Solutions for VBS 2020

Guest post by Katie Mason, Children’s Pastor at Abundant Life Church in Maryland. In September of 2019, the staff at Abundant Life Church in Glen Burnie, MD gathered together to plan the year 2020. Little did we know all those plans […]

June 30, 2020 ×


History of VBS: Summers with Jesus

History of VBS: Summers with Jesus

Since the 1870s, loving children and sharing the gospel has been the motivation for VBS. Much has changed since then, but the mission remains the same. This year especially, kids need a faith-filled experience to point them to the One […]

May 28, 2020 ×


10 Easy “P”s of Planning VBS 2020

10 Easy “P”s of Planning VBS 2020

Thankfully, in recent weeks we have passed the initial shock and adjustments to the Covid-19 pandemic. We now have more ability to move forward to normal. Depending on where you live, restrictions on summer activities will look and feel different. […]

April 30, 2020 ×


Dear VBS Director in Uncertain Times

Dear VBS Director in Uncertain Times

Dear VBS Director in Uncertain Times, As the old hymn reminds us, “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. “ We hold fast to Christ and we strive to be ambassadors of Jesus in […]

April 2, 2020 ×

Children's Ministry

VBS Volunteer Appreciation Tips

VBS Volunteer Appreciation Tips

There are many qualities you might look for in your volunteer team or staff. Qualities such as their love for Christ, commitment, loyalty, fun, team player, creative, problem solver, or willing. But one quality often left off that list is […]

March 20, 2020 ×


VBS Advice from Two Experts

VBS Advice from Two Experts

As VBS volunteers we know there is nothing more valuable than advice from a seasoned VBS expert! That’s why we asked two VBS Directors – one from Missouri and one from Arizona – a few questions about VBS. Read on […]

March 16, 2020 ×

Christian Life

Preparing Your Kid’s Ministry for Coronavirus

Preparing Your Kid’s Ministry for Coronavirus

The world is battling a pandemic with the Coronavirus. There seems to be a lot of information floating around the internet causing great concern. It’s not just the virus itself that is concerning, but the large amount of information that […]

March 13, 2020 ×


How to Ask for VBS Donations

How to Ask for VBS Donations

How do I build a fantastic budget for my Vacation Bible School? If you’re leading a VBS, you can really start planning until you know what funds will be available to you. You can check out our post on planning […]

March 5, 2020 ×


Why I love directing VBS

Why I love directing VBS

Guest Post by Giselle Ryan, Children’s Pastor at Radiant Church – Surprise, Arizona There’s nothing like a couple of kids and a week of VBS. Something magical happens when time is set aside to creatively engage kids of all ages, […]

February 14, 2020 ×


A Fresh Perspective on VBS Volunteers

A Fresh Perspective on VBS Volunteers

Guest post by Erika Solidum, Director of KidLife Ministries, Lifepoint Church – Ozark, MO VBS PLANNING CHECKLIST September – January: pick and purchase the curriculum. Check. February – March: weed through the details to decide your plan of action. Check. April […]

February 5, 2020 ×