How to Ask for VBS Donations

VBS Donations

How do I build a fantastic budget for my Vacation Bible School? If you’re leading a VBS, you can really start planning until you know what funds will be available to you.

You can check out our post on planning VBS on a budget here. Raising funds for many is challenging.

How do I ask? Who do I ask? I’ve seen many a people get shy when it comes to asking. Here are 8 tips to help you with the ‘how’…

Believe in What You’re Asking For

Do you believe in kid’s ministry? Do you believe it is important? Do you believe Vacation Bible School will change the lives of kids and families? I hope the answer is a resounding, YES! If you wholeheartedly believe in the cause you are asking for, that passion will shine through when you are asking for help. Write out all the reasons why VBS is important, why you believe in it, the impact the program has had, and why you are excited to be a part of it. Your belief in the program will be felt by those you are talking to.

Join our community of KidMin volunteers over on our Facebook Group ‘Everything KidMin’! 

When Possible, Ask Out Of Relationship

Many good things flow out of relationships. We don’t build relationships so we can get things – but a perk to already being in a relationship with an individual or business is that you have established credibility and rapport with them. Network throughout the year with people and businesses in your community because you care. As you care about others, usually they care about your.

Ask for Partners Not Just Money

When you ask people to financially invest in your ministry, appeal to them as partners. ‘We are asking you to partner with us… because you give, you are part of the success of this program… with your partnership we can feed XX kids breakfast before VBS etc’. Connect the donor to your why and allow them to share in the success of what you are building.

Set a Goal and Share Your Goal

This is a big one! Set a goal and share your goal. How much do you need to raise? Don’t be afraid to share that number with your team and your potential partners. Sometimes people shy away from sharing a goal because, what is we don’t meet it? Don’t ket fear keep you from sharing your goal. Something powerful happens when we put words to our vision and openly share it – you never know who will catch your vision and partner with you.

Be Direct

Once your share your vision, your goals and desire to become partners, be direct in ‘the ask’. Don’t beat around the bush and hint at your request. Come out and directly ask for what you need. ‘We need to raise $250, would you partner with us by giving to the ministry of Church?‘. Or if you’re looking for product donation, ‘We would like to feed breakfast to 50 kids Monday through Friday, could you supply us with 100 doughnuts one day of the week?’

Assume Good… But Be Prepared For a ‘No’

Assume that people and businesses want to work with you. Assume they want to partner and want to give. That assumption will influence your demeanor when you make your presentation. Assume good, but be prepared for no. Don’t take rejection personally. Practice how you’ll respond if no is the answer you receive. You can say something like, ‘I understand. Thank you so much for being generous with your time and hearing me today. I look forward to continuing our relationship in the weeks/months to come.’

Thank You. Gracias. Obrigado. Je Vous Remercie.

Say ‘thank you’ many different ways. Thank you’s matter. A thank you builds on the relationship beyond the gift given. Mail a thank you note right away and then also follow up after your event with a thank you. Because you are working on a partnership, connect your partners to the success of the program. Give them stories and stats they can be proud of. Use phrases like, ‘because you gave, we accomplished…’ or ‘your generosity meant 75 kids ate breakfast each morning…’ or ‘little Jonny was thrilled each day to take his craft home to his family. Your giving made this possible’. 

Will Your Partner Donations Be A Tax Deduction?

Know the answer to this question before it is asked by a potential giver.

Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute

Use our FREE resources to help you build your budget. We have sample budget pages, sample fundraising request letters and sample fundraising thank you letters.

Now that you are a bit more confident in how you will ask, what about who? Who should you ask if you’re looking for donations for your VBS? Pray about who to ask and then start with who you know. As stated earlier, many good things flow from relationships, personal and professional. Many businesses want to give a certain dollar amount each year to non-profits or charitable organizations.

If you’re looking for product donation, obviously you need to look for businesses that have the product you want. I’ve heard of local grocery stores giving gift cards to their grocery store, bakeries donating day old baked goods, and craft stores donating inventory they haven’t sold and they are getting ready to pitch. Are there individuals in your community that believe in the next generation that would be thrilled to give back with a monetary contribution?

Good luck and don’t forget, Philippians 4:19 – God gives everything we need. Pray about the need. Ask for help. Work hard. And trust that God is supplying for what you need this season. 

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