The Importance of Self-Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Guest post by Rev. Christan Causey, an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God.

The condition of our mental and emotional health impacts the way we relate and connect with God. Sometimes, it is not enough to say, Do not panic or be afraid. We believe God is with us always, but sometimes the natural responses happening in our brains and bodies contradict that belief.

We already live in an anxious society. The current world health crisis increases fear and anxiety in many. These types of experiences can create difficulties in managing our mental health or trigger those already treating a diagnosed mental illness. When we are living in such a state of unknown and our daily routines are so impacted, it can create a sense of trauma and stress.

Beyond concern for the illness, this health crisis makes an impact on so many variable factors (i.e. jobs, finances, education, etc.). Through careful intentionality, however, we can prevent long term impact on our mental health.

When faced with possible danger or a threat to our current existence, a natural fear response triggers the amygdala part of our brain creating a series of neurological responses. We must access healthy coping tools to support our ability to emotionally regulate and manage those fear responses.

God cares for the whole of who we are and is present with us. Psalm 57 reminds us, “Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by.” When we hide in our faithful Father, He re-centers our heart and attention upon the One who is unchanging. The One who is steady and will provide for our every need.

God also invites us to take intentional care for our whole body, soul, and spirit – and reminds us He is faithful to empower us (1 Thess. 5.23).

Here are some practical ways you can care for your whole self through this health crisis:

  • Manage your intake of information (i.e. trusted resources like CDC, World Health Organization, etc.). Focus use of social media on being encouraged and connecting with friends and family.


  • Get exercise every day – even a short walk will make a big difference. Studies show that regular exercise can reduce anxiety and depression by 60%.


  • Stay connected with friends and family through texting, phone, video calls, etc. Reach out to a Pastor/Spiritual Leader for prayer and spiritual guidance.


  • Read a good book or learn something new. Studies show that learning a new skill or challenging your mind is a great therapeutic tool for depression and anxiety.


  • If your routine has changed, create structure for each day.


  • Process what you are feeling and experiencing with God and others. Do not avoid or pretend that you are “fine”. Acknowledge the fear, uncertainty, and frustration. God cares deeply. Find a trusted companion that will listen and help you process. Studies show that having someone listen to our cares immediately reduces anxiety and depressive thoughts.



  • Most importantly, spend additional time in prayer, worship, and meditating on Scripture. Christ will keep you centered and focused on His goodness and faithfulness.

God creates a place of peace and safety, but sometimes our brains and bodies challenge that knowledge. Be encouraged that God is with us always and helps us move our whole self in alignment with the truth of His promises for us. Taking each day as it comes, let’s offer a space of grace for ourselves and others to find God amid the crisis.

Christian Causey

Guest post by Rev. Christan Causey, an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God. Christan is currently pursuing her Master’s in Christian Counseling through Regent University. She currently serves the Women’s Ministry Director for the Southern New England Ministry Network. She is married to her high school sweetheart, Brad. They Co-Pastor Essence Place, a new church plant in Hartford, CT. They have three wonderful children. Christan is passionate about the local church and caring for people in a holistic way and desires to see the church communicate Christ’s love and grace in health and excellence. Her greatest passion is to help those that have been broken by life’s difficulty to experience inner transformation and healing, both spiritually and emotionally. You can follow her on Instagram: @christanrachelle.

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